Privacy policy

1.These terms and conditions are legally binding.

Quality Symbol for Information Technology, the leading company in Saudi Arabia, owns and operates the "Zaaer" services (referred to hereafter as "the Service"). Your use of the Service is explicitly conditioned on your acceptance of these terms and conditions for "Zaaer" (referred to hereafter as "the Terms and Conditions"). By using the Service, you agree without reservation or condition to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions. No other terms or conditions of any kind found in any documents, writings, or other communications from you to "Zaaer," its employees, representatives, or agents concerning the Service apply and are not binding.

We reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to make changes or modifications to these terms and conditions at any time and for any reason.

You acknowledge your responsibility to review these terms and conditions periodically for the latest updates and waive any right to receive specific notice of each change. Your continued use of the site and platform after the date of posting the amended terms and conditions constitutes your acknowledgment that you have reviewed the amendments, understood their content, and accepted to be legally bound by them.

References to the pronoun "You": References to the pronoun "You" or possessive pronoun for the addressed party (You) or any other similar pronouns in this agreement shall be deemed references to the subscriber of "Zaaer" services referred to.

2.Changes made to this Agreement or these Services

Zaaer reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. These changes will be effective and legally binding for you upon publication on our service's website or when reasonable efforts are made to notify you by other means. Please review these terms and conditions regularly to be aware of the latest changes. Your continued use of this service after the posting of amended terms and conditions on this site or after being otherwise notified constitutes your agreement and acceptance to be legally bound by these changes.

3. Granting Usage Licenses

a. Under these terms and conditions, Zaaer grants a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable ownership right to use the service, subject to your agreement to the following:

Zaaer may, at its sole and absolute discretion, without prior notice to you and without liability, refuse, prevent, suspend, or terminate your account (s) and/or your use of the service if Zaaer, at its sole discretion, deems that your use does not comply with Zaaer's specifications or guidelines, or which Zaaer considers inappropriate, unlawful, or harmful to its interests. If Zaaer exercises its absolute discretion under paragraph 3.1 (a), it will not be liable to refund any portion of your pre-paid subscriptions, if any. Without limiting or waiving any rights against you that Zaaer may have under the law or these terms and conditions regarding any inappropriate, unlawful, or harmful use, Zaaer reserves the right to deduct any costs, damages, or expenses it may incur in connection with such inappropriate, unlawful, or harmful use from your unused pre-paid subscriptions, if any, or to claim the same from you by any other means.

You agree to comply with any policies or guidelines provided or modified by Zaaer from time to time. Zaaer's policies or guidelines may relate to technical specifications, privacy, acceptable content, and any other matters that may be amended by Zaaer, at its absolute discretion, from time to time.

You agree not to grant access to or provide any portion of the service to any third party; whether modifying, disabling, or interfering with the service, servers, or supporting networks, either manually or through the use of scripts, viruses, or malware; or reproducing, copying, cloning, selling, trading, or reselling the service; or overloading beyond the capacity of the systems used by Zaaer to provide the service.

Zaaer, at its sole and absolute discretion and without prior notice to you, may modify, suspend, change, or withdraw the service and/or the terms and conditions and/or the website from time to time.

You are solely responsible for obtaining or providing any devices or software you may need to access and use the service, and for any damage or loss you may incur as a result of operating these devices or software, including non-compatibility with any platforms used by Zaaer in providing the service.

You agree that Zaaer is the sole owner and has the right to use any comments you provide on the service in any way, including improving current products and services or creating new ones.

b. Zaaer reserves all rights to the service not explicitly granted to you in these terms and conditions.

c. Under this, you agree to grant Zaaer a general, non-proprietary, non-exclusive license to publish, modify, adapt, compile, host, and use (a) your content (including, but not limited to, reproducing it in a material form, publishing it, performing it, communicating it to the public, making modifications to it, and communicating it to the public in any forum provided by Zaaer for users to exchange user advice, post comments, and opinions and any other comments and opinions and materials that you upload or post in such a forum)."

Please note that the translation provided here is a general representation and may not capture every nuance of the legal language. For legal purposes, it's advisable to consult with a professional translator or legal expert.

4. Payment Terms and Fees

a. By creating an account and subscribing to the service or renewing your subscription, you agree to the imposed fees:

b. Fees for services or products you request; you agree to comply with any payment terms imposed by ZAAER from time to time. You may be required to pay ZAAER in advance and/or on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly basis to use the service. Your subscription may be automatically renewed upon expiration or near expiration at the applicable subscription rates at the time of renewal. However, even if there is a means for automatic renewal of your subscription, the responsibility to ensure the renewal before its expiration rests solely with you and not "Visitor," or your ability to use the service will automatically expire. ZAAER may not provide you with prior notice of automatic renewal. If ZAAER is unable to execute this automatic renewal for any reason, your subscription will automatically terminate. For subscribers who choose to pay by credit card, subscription renewal fees may be charged to the registered credit card unless ZAAER is notified of the change or cancellation in writing using the tools or means provided by "Visitor."

c. All amounts due to ZAAER may be included in an invoice excluding any goods and services tax or other taxes that may be imposed on the subscription.

d. Fees imposed by ZAAER; thus, you agree that ZAAER may impose on you and/or the registered credit card fees for any taxes or fees required by ZAAER under any applicable law or regulation to be imposed on the subscription or fees.

e. ZAAER provides electronic payment services through third-party service providers, knowing that ZAAER does not store any credit card-related data, and ZAAER is not responsible for any errors, damages, or similar incidents that the customer may experience due to or as a result of using the electronic payment method, as this is the responsibility of the third-party service provider.

f. ZAAER imposes additional fees for using electronic payment methods to receive payments, including, but not limited to, (Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay) you agree and authorize ZAAER to deduct fees, namely 2.75% of the amounts collected, in addition to any other fees imposed by the bank or any third-party service provider.

g. ZAAER may change the value of the annual subscription renewal at any time (at its absolute discretion and at any time).

5. Duration and Termination

a. ZAAER may terminate its relationship with you without prior notice if you violate or fail to comply with any term of these terms and conditions. This agreement and your ability to use the service may also be automatically terminated upon the expiration of your subscription.

b. After termination, ZAAER may, at its discretion, retain any data you have uploaded to its systems. However, you agree that, except for any explicitly stated obligations in these terms and conditions, ZAAER is not responsible for maintaining your user account or any of your data after termination. You must not harm ZAAER and release it from any fees, damages, or claims it may incur in connection with the same claims or actions it may face or incur in connection with the same matter.

c. If termination is due to your failure to renew your subscription in a timely manner, you may reactivate your account and access your data if renewal is achieved under these conditions by "Visitor." To do so, you may need to pay any subscription fees or fees imposed by "Visitor," including reactivation fees (if any), within any period specified by "Visitor," or else ZAAER may permanently remove your user account(s) and any data you have uploaded from its systems.

6.Your Data and ZAAER's Data, Data Storage and Transfer, and ZAAER's Privacy Policy

a. You, your clients, partners, or assistants, whichever applies, are the owner of any data you upload to the service (referred to hereinafter as "Your Data"). Under these terms, you agree that ZAAER is the owner of all data except Your Data, including data created by the system and generated by the service or any aggregated data from user inputs in the service by all users collectively (referred to hereinafter as "ZAAER's Data"). ZAAER may use all "ZAAER's Data" in any way it chooses, including improving or customizing its services, or creating new products and services.

b. You acknowledge and agree that the nature of the internet is international, and ZAAER has your explicit consent to store and provide access to your personal or confidential information, user data, and customer data in Canada and beyond, and to transmit and provide this information over the internet, which may involve its transfer across multiple jurisdictions.

c. "ZAAER's" privacy policy, as may be amended or updated from time to time, is incorporated into these terms and conditions and forms a part of them.

7. Your Account(s) and Your Password(s)

a. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of any password(s) and user ID(s) issued to you by ZAAER to access the service, and this responsibility rests solely with you and your authorized employees, representatives, and agents. If you become aware of any unauthorized access to your account(s) or any misuse of password(s) and user ID(s), you must promptly take the necessary steps to disable your account(s) and/or reissue new password(s) or user ID(s).

b. You agree that you are solely responsible for the actions and omissions of the person(s) you nominate as user(s) or administrator(s) for your account(s) for the service. You also agree that ZAAER may accept instructions and requests from this person(s) and communicate with them unless ZAAER receives notice that this person(s) is no longer a user(s) or administrator(s), and these instructions, requests, and communications are legally valid and binding on you. Additionally, you are responsible for any and all use of your account(s) by anyone who possesses the user ID(s) or password(s).

8. Indemnification for ZAAER

If "ZAAER" and/or any of its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Indemnified Parties") take any action to enforce any of the terms and conditions, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the indemnified parties and their subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, expenses, causes of action, or demands, including reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of your use of the service and related to it, and any and all violations by you of these terms and conditions.

9. Service Level Agreement

The Service Level Agreement attached to these terms and conditions is incorporated into and forms part of these terms and conditions.

No Warranties

Unless expressly stated otherwise here, to the maximum extent permitted by law, ZAAER provides no warranties or representations of any kind regarding its website, the service, or the products or services available on this website and/or any materials available on this website, which are provided on an "as-is" basis. ZAAER does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of any of the content or data on the service or this website. ZAAER expressly disclaims all warranties, conditions, and terms related to the service, including all implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a general or particular purpose, non-infringement of proprietary rights, and any warranties arising out of the legal system or otherwise in law or through trade usage to the fullest extent permitted by U.S. law.

ZAAER does not guarantee that the service, this website, its servers, or any email sent by ZAAER is free from viruses or other harmful components.

For the avoidance of doubt, ZAAER does not guarantee the effectiveness of the service.

ZAAER assumes no responsibility for the security, confidentiality, or privacy of communications and/or data transmitted over the internet and provides no warranty (and expressly disclaims all express or implied warranties) that the provision of the service will be error-free or that content, data, or information will not be lost. Additionally, ZAAER will not be liable for any compatibility issues related to customer computers, their applications, or other software on any computers using the service.

10. Liability Limitation

To the maximum extent permitted by law, under no circumstances shall ZAAER be liable for any damage, loss, claim, harm, or any special, exemplary, punitive, indirect, incidental, consequential damages of any kind, whether based on contract, negligence (including negligence), property rights, strict liability, statutory liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in any way related to (1) the content herein or (2) any failure or delay (including, but not limited to, the use or inability to use any component of the service or this website), or (3) the performance or non-performance by "Visitor," even if ZAAER has been notified of the possibility of damages to these parties or any other party.

Despite the foregoing, ZAAER shall be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to any form of the functions or uses outlined above for this website, the service, or its content, to the extent permitted by law, and in no event shall the aggregate liability of ZAAER exceed the monthly subscription fee for the service paid by you. Furthermore, "ZAAER's" liability towards you under contract, negligence, or strict liability, or under the law or otherwise, if any, shall be reduced to the extent, if any, that you contributed to the loss or damage.

ZAAER is considered an independent platform and does not participate in transactions between customers, merchants, and sellers or other related participating transactions. Therefore, ZAAER shall not be responsible in any way for any situation related to merchants and shall not assume any responsibility for any failure related to the products of merchants, their product models, trademarks, credibility, competence, authenticity, availability, or legality.

11. Refunds

Your subscription to ZAAER constitutes your agreement not to claim a refund of the subscription amount or any other fees collected by ZAAER after the subscription and during your usage.

Force Majeure

ZAAER shall not be liable and is released from all contractual obligations (e.g., damages) if its performance of these terms and conditions is affected by a force majeure event. For the purpose of this provision, the term "force majeure" includes any event not under the control of ZAAER or not reasonably expected, including, but not limited to, any natural disaster such as thunderstorms, floods, storms, fire, national emergencies, strikes, similar labor actions, or the unavailability of the internet for reasons beyond "ZAAER's" control.

We appreciate the time you took to understand our terms and conditions.